Creating Text in Caride Create

This was my first project which turned out pretty good. I really like the lettering but have no idea how I actually Created it in Carbide Create. Any help would be appreciated.


You used the text object (selecting a font which I do not have on my computer):

and presumably used a tool which allows applying text along an arc (at a guess, Carbide Create v7)

Open this file in v7:


Select only the text:

Click on the Text icon:

and adjust as desired:

Sorry, the first image was a mistake. The 2nd image of the sign you can see the lettering is also carved on the inside. I don’t know how i did that. The font is called milkshake which i downloaded.

In that case, install the font and open the file and set the Text features as noted above:

Adjust until things line up, or delete and re-create the surrounding offset:

Deselect the surround:

and delete the interior geometry:

You may want to duplicate the text:

and keep a copy on a separate layer:

and hide it for later reference.

With that done, the text may be converted to curves:

and then Trim Vectors used:

to remove the internal geometry which might interfere w/ toolpaths:

(Note that the font has self-intersections which should be cleaned up using Node Editing)

Until one arrives at:



Use Join Vectors to close things:


As noted, use Node Edit to fix things:

If need be, exit Node Editing, delete, then re-select and return:

(repeat the exiting and re-entering)


Close using Join Vectors


Or, draw a line:

and select everything and use Trim Vectors:

Eventually arriving at:

Attached as a v8 file:

Ashley sign 6_v8.c2d (1.8 MB)

You’ll need the new beta:

Thank you for your help, much appreciated.

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