Cribbage Board Series - Design Work

I wrote a bit on this at:

which may serve as a starting point.

That said, you should easily be able to get hundreds, if not thousands — if your customer base has that kind of money to spare — your work is beautiful, and shows a high level of craftsmanship, and most importantly, good taste and proportion (one thing I’d want to see is a bit more sky in some of them, and I’d suggest using a different typeface, something a bit more timeless, but that’s a matter of personal taste — I’m sure there are folks who prefer the zoomed in look and additional landscape, or who would argue that the Rational/Swiss sans serifs have been around for hundreds of years, and that their being used as default interface fonts on computers doesn’t make them of modern times).

Are there any local shows which CNC projects may be entered in? That might give you an idea of the local market. That said, your work could easily be shown in a gallery in Manhattan or Paris or London and not seem out-of-place — it’s just a matter of getting them there.