Curved text feature

has Carbide create deleted the curved text feature? Im pretty certain I’ve used curved text feature in Carbide Create, but the feature no longer seems available. If it is available, how can I access it?

Set some text:

Check the box to Enable setting on an Arc:

Adjust settings as appropriate:

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thank you William. you are always helpful. so i figured out I needed the update to access those features. now that I have installed the new version, I no longer have some fonts that were on the previous version

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What fonts are no longer present?

Could they be present under a different name?

I guess, I just needed to reboot my Computer after installing the software update. I had opened a file created on the previous version, after installing the latest version. The fonts were changed and I wasn’t able to access what fonts i used to create the file. but after rebooting my computer all seems well. thanks again for all the help

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