Cutting a logo in 3D (or otherwise)

Given a project which has a rather rough 3D model:

We work up a nicer version by first sourcing a vector version of the logo:

Since it is an EPS, we open in Inkscape or some other vector editor which is able to parse .eps files:

and export as an SVG to import into the file and recreate.

Draw in a second rectangle:

and then use the outermost to model the stock:


Select the interior elements:

and subtractively model them:


Show 3D:

We then try applying a 3D toolpath…

and a 3D Finishing toolpath:


which doesn’t quite work since the 1/8" tool is too small to fit in the details:

To verify this, go back to the Design pane and draw a circle:

So instead, we try an Advanced V carving:

which previews as:

attached as a v8 file:

green_bay_packers_logo_v8.c2d (164 KB)


Love the solution. Would like it even more if it had “Steelers”.

That was done/shown in “The Gallery” a while back:

Seriously though, if you have difficulty with any logo, let us know and we’ll walk through it with you (or find a previous occasion of having done so). Further note that you are on your own in terms of licensing.

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