I was wondering if there was a command I could sent into MDI that would change the default Z height for when CM requests a tool change? Or would I have to use another sender/cam software?
Reason being is that @Julien and I designed this fantastic no X travel loss dust boot for the HDZ 4.0 Dust Boot for the HDZ 4.0 and the lower support arm is at the same height as the collet nut when a tool change is requested. Making it awkward to get a wrench in there.
That height is hardcoded in Motion (I think we retract to the max Z minus a few mm).
We’re looking at more configurability in Motion (as long as it doesn’t cause support trouble) but I’m not sure I see us adding the ability to change tools at a lower height.
The only thing that occurs to me as a work around is to modify your post to:
Go to a predetermined tool change HEIGHT - G53 G0 Z __
Go to a predetermined tool change location - G53 G0 X __ Y__
Do an M0 to pause
Change the tool
Output an M6T__
Click “OK” because you’ve already changed the tool.
This would require a change to the post and an extra button click but I think it would otherwise work.
Since it’s hard coded you could adjust the model so the lower arms are slightly higher or possibly make them part of the swing away section. You can use the same mounting points but come out a little then 45 degree up slightly until you have the desired clearance instead of coming strait out.