Like many of you with the HDZ I searched the community and market place for an HDZ compatible dust-boot that was independent of the Z axis (aka the dust boot is stationary as the spindle moves Z- or Z+).
If you’ve gone down this hole you have probably learned there is no real good option as many of the solutions (like Ears) decrease your X travel because how they choose suspend the dust boot. That’s when I stumbled across @Julien 's original thread where he iterated quite a bit to solve the restricted X travel problem while making a Z independent boot. [WIP] Frame around HDZ & Spindle
So I contact Julien to see if he was interested in iterating yet again. This is what we came up with. And by we I really mean that if Julien was the Steve Woz of the group then I was one of Bill Gate’s hookers, but none the less, I wanted the boot to swivel.
What material did you print it out of? Any plans to share this iteration? Julien was kind enough to share his previous version, but I haven’t made time to play with it; I have to adapt it to my SO3 XL with @DanStory ’s rail conversion adapter plate.
(provided as is, the timeline is messy from the many iterations/last minute adjustments, and it’s missing a couple of McMasterCarr references here and there)