I just realized I have no 30° V-bit in my arsenal
I don’t feel like playing the game of “let’s figure out which of these bits from Ali /ebay will turn out to do a decent job”, and I don’t feel like waiting, so I turned to my favorite local supplier, he has a variety of 30° single flute V-bits and I have my finger on the “order” button for those diamond coated single-flute Vees:
Since I intend to do more metal V-carving in the future, I figured it would be good to have some of these anyway.
Any feedback good or bad on diamond-coated bits? A quick search on the forum left me with the feeling that “yes they are top notch but probably not worth the price in most situations”, but these are…15$ a piece, and I trust this particular supplier, so I don’t know what to think.
Wow, I forgot that I had a diamond coated ($125) cutter…THANKS, this reminded me…I have the perfect job to test it on…((give me a couple of weeks))…I’ll be back…now where did I hear that before…
Running some diamond coated SF from 2L. Haven’t put a crazy amount of hours on them yet but they are super sharp and leave some impressive finishes. Also relatively cheap at $25 ish a pop.
I received the bits, they came with a printed note from the seller where he highlighted the fact that the diamond-coated endmills are non-conductive, and therefore not to be used with conduction-based touchprobes…
The fact that he manually highlighted that in pink is a good sign of how many times he must have had phone calls about people who broke their expensive diamond coated endmills.
Obviously, I would never have made that mistake. Obviously…
but then again it’s a good thing I read that printed note
Got back to the shop, and my cutter is NOT conductive…knowing his saved me from a probe crash… THANK YOU!!
My Cutter:
The Niagara Cutter DIA430 DiamondPlus carbide end mill has 30-degree helix angle and square end profile. DiamondPlus products are coated with 100% real diamond crystals, making it extremely hard, approaching 10,000 Vickers. DiamondPlus is created with a proprietary chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. The DiamondPlus matrix of micro and nano crystalline diamond provides a smooth, hard surface that is resistant to chipping and cracking.
SO quiet, SO sharp, SO slippery (Nothing sticks…not even snot) Would I spend $187.00 No, never…but I LOVE this cutter (listed above for all you late comers).
Since this is asked SO many times, I am working on a video explaining setup and how I re-engineered a $400 drive into a $3000 drive (4th). I’ll post in on my IG when it’s ready. (about a month(