I would like to engrave some cursive writing on aluminum or brass. Can someone direct me to some information on how to do that? A video would be great if there is one.
Probably best to Boolean Union (or offset) the text:
The Pro only Engraving toolpath should work well, or you might want to try a V carving — what size text are you engraving? Is there a certain depth you need the letters cut to?
I was thinking roughly 3/16" tall. I’m not sure on depth as I haven’t engraved anything yet. This is new to me. I have only v-carved larger text.
I bought this tool to try some engraving: Amana Tool 45771-K Solid Carbide Spektra Extreme Tool Life Coated 30 Degree Engraving 0.005 Tip Width
That is a very delicate tool which Amana only provides feeds and speeds for wood, plastic, and whatever a “solid surface” is:
I believe you’d have better luck w/ either a diamond drag engraver (no need to spin the tool) such as our:
or a less acute V endmill w/ a more rounded tip which will be more durable in metal such as our:
That said, I did manage to use a 60 degree V endmill in alu. in my first project:
@WillAdams I believe in this context Amana is referring to acrylic materials like Corian.
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