Error (1) error in line 20: arc endpoint error?

Ouch. I would worry about reflashing so much and wearing down the EEPROM — please try to minimize doing that sort of switching.

i wasn’t aware that i’m updating the eeprom when switching between two versions of CM4 … anyway , i’m not sure I have other option until the issue gets fixed (short of stop using the probe).

cheers, Alex

Sorry, not sure why I read that as updating Grbl — switching copies of CM should be fine — maybe duplicate the directory so that you can switch by just re-naming the binaries or something?

You have to run the Carbide Updater or save a persistent setting to touch the EEPROM, so my concern on that basis was wrong.

that’s what i though :slight_smile: … and that’s what I did (change folder names).

cheers, Alex

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@nicualex can you have both open and connected at the same time?

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nope … at least on my setup (W10) they don’t work concurrently .

Thought as much. Hopefully a new version soon.

v 4.10 didn’t fix it :frowning:

I seem to be having all sorts of problems lately😡. Now this pops up right after I update to 410 to resolve the probe issue. Just cutting a square to check accuracy of machine now that it’s back together.
Never saw this error on 409.

What, you too are having the end point error?

Yep, bad week for me. Think I’ll go do something else for a while!

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Reverted to 409, error went away…

I will try that - I’ve gone all the way back to v4 and the last one that works for me is 4.07

Which post processor are y’all using on F360? I have found that can make a world of difference with these arc errors.

Could give this a try:

@RichCournoyer had one written too, but I don’t have a lot of time atm to look for the link


I’m using Carbide3d.cps I have no idea if this is an out dated one?

Thanks. Didn’t even know there were alternatives.

Scott, problem solved. I think. I’ve only run one job in CM 4.410 but no errors.

COOL, thanks again!

How did you install the post processor?

Here’s the link I found.


Legend. That was much better than the article I found and could not follow