Failed Homing with New Proximity Switches on XL Z+

Hi, we recently purchased the Z+ kit, which came with some new proximity switches.
After putting the whole machine back together, homing it hasn’t been working.
It does the Z-axis fine, and starts moving along the y-axis, but it never starts moving in the x-axis. As soon as it senses the y-axis limit, it throws a “Limit Switch Error ( X )” then a “Homing Cycle Failed” and finally “GRBL Error: Homing failed, pull off didn’t clear”

The limit switches themselves appear to function correctly. If I put a metal ruler in front of the sensor, the light turns on.
From what I understand the “pull off” is the backing away of the machine from the edges to depress the sensors. I used the MDI to try to change the setting ($27 according to from 3 mm to 2 or 4, but it doesn’t make a difference.

The weirdest part is that the issue briefly went away for a while, without me doing anything that I can remember. But now it’s not working again.

One other thing that might be related is that when I go into settings, under GRBL Active Input Pins, X is listed. I don’t remember if anything was listed there before.

Have any of you guys encountered anything similar? Any advice?

this sounds like your X is always detected?

I recently installed teh refit on my machine, and one thing I learned was to manually move to the near-homing place (and then turn the machine on) to make sure they all light up (and adjust until they do)

seems the inverse is also needed, to make sure they do NOT turn on when not at the end. Can you take a picture of the X sensor (e.g. how it’s mounted)… it’ll be on the Z+ carriage

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The sensor itself doesn’t appear to be on all the time, so I guess I need to look more closely at the box with the electronics?

hmm maybe. I need to check my machine, I kind of remember it being like this for me.
yep the picture in has it this way…
… but it needs to be high enough mounted indeed.

but I have 2 bolts, to hold the sensor to the base thingy.

Looks like the install pic to me.

Check the wiring at the connector. Are the colors for the X in the same order as the others.
I bet your connector was wired upside down.

Like this issue.

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Looks like the install pic, but when did the proximity sensors work “out of” the logo? This is my prox sensor, working “out of” the crosshairs.

The proximity sensor is internally oriented to sense along this axis…

the crosshairs point down in my machine. It will detect the metal plate on the edge that holds the X bar up…

(yes I wondered for some time until I realized that)

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Guess I can’t undelete a post, so I’ll reply again. That seems like an odd approach, no? To trip sensor as it is passing over the plate, instead of driving up to the wall?

Anyways, I guess if it’s working on yours then I stand corrected!

not justifying it; I was expecting it your way but the way the bracket fit is the way it fit and it’s working for me so I moved on with the assembly :slight_smile:

Ha, I Guess I CAN undelete a post!

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@Velocity, in case you’re coming back to this after we muddied it up…
My guess:

So, I found something.

If the little circuit board with the limit switch wires attached is bumped or pushed or tilted a little bit, the x light in the circuit board turns on:

The wires being upside down was a good guess, but the thing is I got it working once.
This explains why I suppose. I must’ve pulled on the wires a bit once so that the x light turned off.

The question is, why is it doing that, lol

Contact us about this at — I suspect there’s a bad solder joint on your PCB Riser Board — we’ll replace it.

Any extra slack in that cable? looks like you’re pulling on the connectors.

I’m not sure it’s a bad solder. I think the PCB riser board is touching the old limit switch leads on the main PCB board.
I put a piece of tape on the pins and put the riser board back on, and that’s helping.

The tape is easily pierced by the pins though, so it’s not a great solution.

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Ok. Hopefully that will fix it.

Thanks for your help everyone!
I’ll give an update when the new pcb riser board comes in.

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