Newbe here…just finished install today. Set up a project (simple) in Carbide Create, send G-code to Carbide Motion. Went through all the steps (I think). Here is my job information.
On second project…material loaded 8"x6.26"x1". File loaded (see attached). Set bit zero (paper method) and bit setter used. i keep getting the following message. any ideas? Tray.c2d (80 KB)
Both your projects you have used the Center of the piece as your starting point.
Which is fine. Most projects use the bottom left of the project as the starting point.
Also, I don’t think you want to use the McFly to do your pocket cut.
The McFly is meant to be a surfacing bit. If you do a .25 pocket with that bit, you will likely have problems.
Where on your wasteboard did you locate your stock?
My guess is that the warning means the center of your stock and your zero set point will cause the machine to crash into the Limit switches.
I put a fence made from wood on the front of my machine. Use my router to jog along the fence (while on) to get a square edge of the fence to the machine. I also use the lower left as my starting point on 99% of my jobs.
If you are worried about the final sanding, do the pocket in two stages. Stage one is 00 to .23 with a .125 stepover. Then, do a “finish” pass from .23 to .25 but reduce the stepover from .125 to .0625. It will probably be faster to run it how it is and use some 220 grit sandpaper to clean up the tooling marks, but I get it if you want to try that out to improve your skills, etc.