For those struggling with 3D settings

I have struggled with setting, re-setting and keeping track of my parameters when using CC Pro 3D models. Most of the time I have to keep changing and changing until I can “discover” the right settings I’m looking for.

Once I have them, I have tried to remember them and put them into the notes area of CCPro, but that doesn’t work so well for me.

I tried a screen shot with Windows 11, but that would not paste into the notes area.

BUT, I did discover, today, that IF you are running Windows 11 and you take a screen shot, AT THE BOTTOM of the screen shot in the snipping tool, there is a “text” button that provides the ability to do a Control A, followed by a Control C and then when you go over to the notes area in CCPro, a Control V will paste those parameters into the notes area.

For me, that helps a lot. Maybe y’all knew about how to do that, but it has helped me and thought it might be of use to others.


In v7 and earlier, I enter the settings into the name of the 3D component — v8 makes them a bit more editable — have you tried it?

Appreciate that Will, and I have done that before. I find that I can take screen shot after screen shot in Windows 11 and it keeps auto saving them and once I get the final desired parameters, I can take the last screen shot, CTL A, CTL C and then CTL V into CCPro and it seems to work best for me.

I would guess there might be a lot of different work-a-rounds, just thought here was another for people to try.

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