I’m looking to use my Shapeoko Pro XL to build a Strat-style guitar (body and neck). Does anyone have any recommendations on where to find a good 3D CAD file(s) - ideally compatible with CC Pro?
I made one of the telecasters in the links Will sent. I found the body template online and had a friend who is proficient in fusion help with the neck. Good files seem to be closely guarded. I know everyone says “make your own” but it’s harder than it looks.
I will caution that I bought one of 3dcncguitars aspire models for a Gibson SG and it was not usable for me. I mistakenly assumed his models would work without modification since they are pretty expensive. Perhaps someone proficient with aspire could have made it work, but I only have a friend with it so I didn’t have tons of hours.
I milled a body and neck from it and they didn’t fit together properly. Since this is a set neck model, neck fit is extremely important. When I asked him for help with it, he basically said the toothpaths he sells are basic and not meant for that. (What are they for then?)
I haven’t bought any other files since that, but please report back if you find someone selling good files.