HDZ hits Z limit switch and doesnt stop

Make sure you’ve sent the machine configuration per the assembly instructions for your machine: Shapeoko Quickstart Guide - Carbide 3D and that the configuration matches your machine and its accessories. Configuring a machine using Carbide Motion 5 and for 517 and later: Setting Grbl Configuration in CM 517 and later or see the ~14 min. mark of this video: Shapeoko Pro Assembly Overview - YouTube, for the Pro see: Sending Config Settings for Shapeoko Pro - YouTube and https://docs.carbide3d.com/assembly/shapeoko-pro/xxl/Shapeoko_Pro_assembly_guide_02-05-2021_v1_web.pdf

There is a basic page on troubleshooting the homing switches at: Home Switch Troubleshooting - Carbide 3D

There is also a Carbide 3D Answer video: Basic Shapeoko Limit Switch Troubleshooting - YouTube

For the new inductive homing switches: Troubleshooting: Proximity Switch Troubleshooting - YouTube and Adjusting: Adjusting the Proximity Switches - YouTube