Help a dummy set up a 2.2kw spindle

I don’t know the first thing about electricity, but I’m hoping one of you can help me out here. The spindle has 4 pins, I know #4 is ground. I need to wire these into a VFD, but I don’t know how. I also don’t know how to wire the VFD into a plug.

Which spindle pin connects to which part of the VFD? And Which parts of the VFD are for wiring a wall plug?

I think the 4 pins go like this
Pin 1 to V
Pin 2 to W
Pin 3 to U
Pin 4 to ground, not sure which part of the VFD though

Just realized the symbol to the right of the UVW is for ground

9 is Gnd is 4 on the connector, u,v, w are 123 and the order doesn’t matter. If it runs in reverse swap u v W around


Alright, the last think I need to figure out is how to wire the VFD into the wall, the manual labels R S T as the input power, but does not say which is positive, negative and ground.

Ground is again pin 9. Assuming it’s single phase R can be used as positive and T negative but double check the manual - some are different. I haven’t blown a VFD yet…


Have you checked out Julien’s VFD thread?


Thanks guys! I somehow didn’t find that before. I’ve confirmed that R is positive in and T is neutral, and I can probably just ground it on 9 with the spindle.

I am trying to wire this to 110v even though the VFD is 220. The seller and a few reviewers say this is possible, and I have contacted the seller to ask how I would wire for 110v in. I’ll post an update later for anyone who might find themselves in similar shoes.

My VFD is 110v too :slight_smile:

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