Hopefully last newbie question. Setting the correct Z height

With the new board everything is all good. Thanks for everyone’s help.


Ahh you problem is once you touch the top, and zero Z, you need to move over, then move the z axis down to the "bottom of your part, and zero there.

For axample, I am running dies on 3/8 brass. the geometry is 4mm deep. So I touch the top of the brass, zero, then move Z axis down 4mm and zero again.

perfect part (almost) every time!! (unless I screw something up)

Thanks James but that wasn’t the problem. The issue was the board losing signal/communication with carbide motion. Installed a new board and all the weird gremlins went away. I struggled for almost a week trying to get the machine to cut right and once I installed the new board everything became 1000x easier.


I’m glad you got it sorted. I was fairly certain it was a machine problem and not a user error, based on all your troubleshooting. Seems like the team at Carbide came through with good customer service though.

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They sure did. Very happy that they stuck with it and mailed the replacement part asap. Very pleased!


Or you could touch the top, and set that to 4mm. Then you don’t need to move anything. Click in the “value” area and type in 4mm. Then click in another field so it gets entered (don’t blame me, it’s weird, I get it).

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oops, my bad… thats what I get for skimming through the thread while in a hurry LOL

My apologies.

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I’m dealing with the same issue. I was attempting the clamps with a 3/4" piece of HDPE. I assumed it was the thickness issue but it would even go off the 6" square about 4" and try to cut in the air. After several attempts I deleted all references to “clamps”, downloaded again, changed the thickness to 3/4 and it worked. THEN… I tried it on oak because the HDPE melted back into the paths. Worked wonderful till the end. Just when I thought it was going to rest, it started over, eating up what it just cut. Half of a clamp was gone by the time I got it stopped. I moved to the box plan, again I had to change thickness (nothing in my shop is 1/2"), it appeared to cut fine then at the end it went back, took another 1/4" off of all perimeters and stopped. I haven’t put it together yet but I did notice that the 3/4" stock won’t fit in the 1/2" slots (doh?) Anyone know how to change slot size?