How to 3D profile the sides of a tray or soap dish?

Continuing on from my previous soap dish questions and design, How would I go about profiling the edges of my dish so they have this shape along the long edges:

As you can imagine, this would make it easier to grab the soap out of the dish. I would also like to have my round over edges (the RO toolpaths in the attached file) follow this new profile shape.

Standard Soap Dish Bumps.c2d (268 KB)

Thanks for any help you can give!

Thinking about this, I think the easiest way is to just make that 3D profile or depression across the whole surface of the wood and then cut the rest out. That however, would not let me put the round overs on the edges that curve down. Or would it?

Correct, the depression would be made early in the 3D model.

However, it would then be necessary to model the rounding in the 3D model and cut using 3D toolpaths since it won’t be possible to make the Contour toolpath follow the 3D model — unless one uses a work-around where one puts a very small indentation in the 3D model and then cuts that as a 3D Finishing toolpath using the roundover tool — but that would need to be taken on faith since Carbide Create cannot model such tooling as noted at:

I’ve been working on a programmatic library in an obscure application which may eventually be able to preview such G-code, but it’s early-days yet.

How would I go about this part of the operation? In the file below I have the 3D model setup so that it cuts the sides of the dish as I like and everything else looks correct. I’ve just not added any toolpaths for the rounds overs. I typically use the Cutout (cyan) and Pocket (bright green)
vectors to apply a contour toolpath with no offset and the round over cuts nicely.

Profiled Soap Dish.c2d (492 KB)

Select the peripheral geometry:

and model it to be rounded:

If you go this route you’ll pretty much need to model the entire part in 3D.

Thanks, that got me the rounded over curved wall section. I think with the correct wall thickness and running my 1/8 round over bit on the normal 2D toolpath, it might give me a nice transition between the two with minimum sanding. If not, I’ll have to keep working on it to get the rest of the wall to have that same 3D round over.