How to make tabs on pocket cutout

Cutting out 1” thick wood using 1/8 or 1/4 end mill. It was suggested to widen cut which means do a pocket, how are tabs made on a pocket?

As noted at:

Tabs are now a part of the vectors, not contour toolpaths

We added a new tab command to add tabs to a vector. If you copy the vector, you copy the tabs too. This should be helpful for users that are doing production work where they may want to fine-tune the machining of a single item and then copy and paste an array of them for full production.

Look for the new command here:

New tabs command

Yes I contour cut out single width. When cutting thru thick wood to minimize noise and heat I thought it was suggested to widen cutout. Is there a way to cut wider using contour and using tabs.

No, you have to add geometry, see:


and consider leaving a roughing clearance and taking a finishing pass.

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