(Dana Meadows)
April 28, 2024, 11:59pm
It has been some time since I have used my machine with the first version of Bit Zero. Does anyone out there have a copy of the operating instruction for the first version of Bit zero. Thank you
Steve Meadows
(William Adams (Carbide 3D))
April 29, 2024, 12:52am
I wrote up a bit on this at:
Here is how I check out the functionality of the machine/BitZero:
first check that you have sent the correct Z-axis configuration
This can be easily done by jogging down to the wasteboard surface, setting zero, then using the Rapid Position command to lift 6mm above the current zero — measure how much the machine moved — if it’s wrong:
open the Log Window
go to the MDI (EDIT: Note that it will need to be enabled in options in current versions) and send $$ and check that the Z-axis steps/mm …
The original instructions are still on
May 29, 2024, 12:00am
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