How to use more tools for the same pocket

Is it possible to use more tools for the same part? For example, I need to make a pocket around some text. In the beginning, I use a bigger tool to remove the material as quickly as possible.

Certainly, it’s impossible to make fine details with this tool. So I need to use a smaller tool, but I don’t want to cut the whole pocket again, only finish the details that were impossible to make by the previous tool. If I try to make another toolpath, it will still clear the whole pocket.

This is known as “Rest machining”, unfortunately, Carbide Create doesn’t support this.

You can do it manually by offsetting to define the regions which are not cut by one tool so that they may be cut w/ another:

Delete the original offset geometry:

and you’ll have defined the area to cut w/ a smaller endmill.

That’s also an option. Thanks. Is “Rest machining” possible to do in Fusion360?

I don’t think I am fully getting the idea. Would this be done as if it was two different jobs? The rough pass would be first with the original selections. Then the next one would be with the offsets to use the smaller bit. It seems like kind of a pain, but it clearly would save a lot of time.

If you have a BitSetter it would be one job using two different tools.

There’s a bit of discussion at:

and see:

If you have a BitSetter you could instead use Advanced V carving which does something similar.

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