I am questioning all right now should I have upgraded to the 80MM spindle or just stayed with the 65MM spindle?
I get it I am new and don’t understand the terms of feed rate or plunge. But I dont want to babysit a project for 5 hours when I know if I had a plunge router and a plexiglass temp plate I could cut and remove material/wood quicker.
I am not a sign maker or a vcrave at all
I am just trying to expand my knowledge, and I don’t buy cheap tools.
I have that as a luxury right now, but I am due to retire in less than 4 years from the federal Gov as law enforcement. But I want to have a hobby.
something to occupy my time and help me with PTSD.
wood working seems to help as I just started 5/2024
But I am frustrated with this machine and the lack of tools or bit support.
Should I have upgraded to the 80mm? just to deep cut or contour cut SLABs I can get that are 8/4?
OR Should I have stayed with the 65mm and got aftermarket longer bits that could do that?
I am questioning my spending now and this whole machine purchase truly.