#MaterialMonday on YouTube

@wmoy has begin a series of YouTube videos on #MaterialMonday.

For the full list:


A central tenet of this series is an acknowledgement that the hobby CNC routers need different numbers for different sorts of paths. Thus far he has done:


Shapeoko 3:

Nomad 883 Pro:

(not part of the series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szo5FFmJzv4 )


Copper and brass:


Nomad 883 Pro:

Brass Machining Guide

Cast Acrylic:

Nomad 883 Pro:



Nomad 883 Pro:

Machinable Wax:

Nomad 883 Pro:





Nomad 883 Pro:


Nomad 883 Pro:

Expanded PVC

Shapeoko 3:




Nomad 883 Pro:

Tool Steel

Nomad 883 Pro:

Stainless Steel

Shapeoko 3:

Sterling Silver






Carbon Fiber

Note that since this was begun, a new video series/section has been set up:


I guess the Shapeoko is the forgotten one! While some of this translates to other machines, all but one is related to the Nomad.



Are you updating the info in the material table on the Shapeoko Wiki based on these videos?

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I’m afraid you’ve caught me.

I’ve been adding the videos, but I haven’t found time to watch or transcribe the videos (I have a pathological dislike for videos on computers) — if someone would post the numbers from each, I’d be glad to.


I meant to answer this earlier. Maybe since he works for Carbide 3D, Winston should provide you with his F&S instead of someone else who needs to check each videos and transcribe.


I believe Winston’s preference is that folks watch and learn from the videos.

Yes but you’re updating a reference table.


Missed this last week:


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I believe that the excerpts from “Why Single Flute Cutters Are Awesome on Desktop CNC’s” provided in the attached file are wrong.Moy 1 vs 2 Flutes.zip (1.6 MB)

Gerald, maybe you should explain why you think it is not correct. I’m not advocating for anything but if you state that something is wrong, you should say why that is.

I also added this comment to the associated YouTube post: “Isn’t it material removal rate, rather than the number of cutter flutes, that dictates cutting power and force requirements?” Do you think that’s sufficient?

Well at least you explained your initial comment, I (and probably most people here did not the comments on the YT video since it is embedded in the thread, the comments are not visible unless you click to go to YT.

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You’re right - thanks for pointing that out! I went to YouTube to see if anyone had mentioned this before posting either place.

Do you see my point? Do you think Carbide3d should address it? Do you think they will? @WillAdams?

The discussion has to take place with Winston @wmoy who produced the video. Maybe he will reply to this thread or the YT comment.

I’m just a junior here especially when it comes to F&S so I will let others who are better grounded on this subject join the debate.

@gmack the comment about spindle torque assumes constant chip load, which has higher priority for me than feedrate when I set my S&F in Fusion. MRR and everything else falls out from there.

Improving the way we share feeds and speeds is something we’re definitely thinking about. The old way of making a one page chart with a random sampling of materials for a single endmill per machine isn’t going to cut it. But a single massive chart is also not sustainable, especially when each tool and material combo can be used in different ways (ex. slotting vs pocketing vs adaptive). We know there needs to be a better way, and we’re working on it…


Yeah, sadly the Materials page on the wiki is filled with a bunch of false starts.

This seemed pretty workable:


but I’d like to work up something better.

I’m feeling a simple web application coming on.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Speeds, Feeds, Power, and Force (SFPF) Calculator History

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Speeds, Feeds, Power, and Force (SFPF) Calculator History

How is that typically dealt with?