Inconsistent Cuts In Aluminum

Pulley set screws are M3, ~4.75mm o.a.l., some folks replace them w/ SHCSs of a suitable length (8–10mm)

Thanks, will pick some up.

I have made sure all the pulleys and belts were secure. I re-ran the tool path and adjusted the GRBL settings,( X & Y) multiple times, running the tool path after each change. I actually got to a point where everything jived. I moved the Y zero up to make a 2nd cut. Not the same dimensions as the previous. Some as much as .010 off (mostly X). I have done this at least 7 times, with different dimensions each time. VERY frustrated.

The current settings:

X & Y have been moved between 39.0 and 40.0 but I still get unpredictable and inconsistent results. As I indicated before, I’m designing and producing tool paths in Aspire 11.5 and using UGS Platform to run the files. I’ve created the tool path, saved it with a # then recalculated the tool path and saved it with the next consecutive #. Done this 3 times. Printed out the GCode for each and find no discrepancies between them.

I’m out of ideas. Can the control board introduce errors like this?

My understanding is the boards are binary, either they work right, or they don’t work at all.

What feeds and speeds are you using?

Is the tool clean, and in good condition and sharp? (no aluminum galled on it)

If the machine is sound mechanically, it should cut as expected given tooling in good condition and feeds and speeds suited to the material being cut.

Please create a basic test file in both Vectric Aspire and Carbide Create and cut both in suitable pieces of scrap — if they both have problems, we can assist with the Carbide Create version at — if only the Vectric version has problems you will have to check in with Vectric tech support.

Will do. Thanks Will. Had just loaded a fresh piece of Star Board for test cuts.

Cut these with the same bit I’ve been using with no changes to any controller parameters.
Basically, both cuts are the same.

Are you cutting slots just as narrow as the tool? Where possible, avoid slotting.

Both tool paths are perimeter cuts the width of the tool: 0.247

Add offset geometry and cut as a pocket down to tab height or the penultimate pass — leave a roughing clearance and take a full-depth finishing pass.

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I actually just finished doing that. I created a second rectangle 0.010 smaller and set 2 tool paths, one for each vector. I also decreased the $100 to 39.000. Helped. I’m going to change that again and recut over what I just cut.

Rather than randomly changing steps/mm value have you tried calibrating?

Will, this is getting crazy. I adjusted, after calibrating, the $100 which was the only one showing out of spec. I did another cut and it came out perfect.

I moved the machine X & Y over for a clean cut and re zeroed both, leaving the Z alone. Ran the cut. Did not duplicate the cut next to it at all. It came out 0.207 (X) smaller! Y was .01 smaller. How is this possible?

Do I need to re flash the control board?

That is extremely unlikely. If you have verified that everything is correct in Aspire or Carbide Create (more than once), problems like this are almost always mechanical. Either something is mechanically wrong with the machine or the calibration is off. Electronics tend to fail all the way or not at all. Verify that you correctly followed that calibration guide. Go over the whole list of mechanical things to check again regardless of how many times you have done it. Go slow and assume nothing which is pretty hard to do. Make sure you don’t have any split or flattened v-wheels, the belts are all properly and equally tensioned with no missing teeth or overstretched/worn sections and check all the set screws again. I cut tons of aluminum on my stock S3 and it can totally do what you are trying to do.

Are the belts in good condition?

Power down, remove the belt, inspect it, if it’s okay, swap it end-for-end.

I’ve spent from 7 am til 1:30 disassembling the machine, inspecting everything and replaced the X & Z belts.

I guess I’m getting too old, because I didn’t look for the obvious (the belt) y’all suggested. I feel stupid wasting all your time. It functions repeatedly now. I sincerely thank all of you for you patience and expertise.


I am also getting old, just incase you felt alone in that journey :). Can you please post a picture of the worn belts - I ask because it would help me to know if I have that problem too and to know when to change them. Thank you in advance, and congrats on fixing it in the end!

I unfortunately trashed them as soon as I saw them. Definitely showed degradation in the teeth. Also noted that the z-axis plate loosened over time during my cuts. They were not aggressive cuts but I had to stop the program and check the tightness of the v wheels several times. Sorry I couldn’t provide a photo

No worries - thanks for replying. I have a lot of backlash on the X axis wondering if it is my belts. Low usage, so i don’t suspect it. Cheers.

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