Yes it is. (20 characters)
@robgrz - Any chance you can share some more information about this feature ?
I can probably share more by Wed.
If I was C3D…I would NEVER pre-announce another product!!!
I like the openness and the willingness to share and work with their customers.
I was down to 2 machines and this is the reason I came here as it not just the product, it is the values of the company that stand behind the product
Yes the easy answer might be to say nothing and then surprise. However IMHO, People need to understand and appreciate what they are receiving I for one appreciate it and would have hated to have invested in a new machine only to find out that a new one was just about to be released.
Thanks C3D for taking the maybe harder path but most honest and trustful one. I believe that it builds better and stronger long term loyalty,
Is there still a plan to send out periodic emails with our estimated shipping date?
As of right now, there’s been no change from the dates that were posted when you purchased. Once we see how we’re doing for the next few days, we might be able to update all of the lead times next week and move them in.
It would be inspiring to see pics of the first 5’s being shipped today, a dramatic angle from a loading dock into the rising sun or something.
Maybe I missed it, but is there any info out there about the stepper motors being used on the 5?
Wish I had ordered a few months earlier and wouldn’t be waiting until 2Q for mine to ship. Whipping myself into stiff peaks of anticipation in the meantime though. Great excuse to clean out the garage, and ordered that big honking Kreg table with casters. Thought about making a table, but ultimately didn’t have the heart, will try to DIY an enclosure once it’s here though.
@RegulatorsMountup I agree. Maybe pics of the boxes driving a van. They have not given stepper specs, but Rob did post this, buried a bit back:
So more torque than a spindle can push, so I guess the answer is that they steppers are strong enough. Not really a point in making them stronger than the next point of limitation in the system.
Guessing smaller motors would have slower rapid speeds, probably not a big deal on this guy. The bigger 4x4 table might take a little longer to get around.
And I do appreciate the safety concerns of an open machine too - definitely don’t want to turn around for a second and have my fingers zipped off by a spindle going berzerk at 600 ipm. Enclosure seems like a quasi-necessity to me (and then they won’t have an excuse not to do the ATC).
Most stepper motors have a similar speed rating, the bigger the motor the more force it has, but there are allot of factors that decide the overall machine speed and cutting forces such as drivers, control board, preload, ball screw pitch etc.
We’ve seen a few folk mention 600imp rapids - we don’t run our Hass’s past 200imp and even that’s enough to make you clench up. By all means we could make the S5 faster by changing the GRBL parameters but we’d not recommend it. Mechanically the machine is capable of faster speeds but we’re limiting it through software based on our experience and recommendation.
I’d make some heavy wagers on people claiming to be machining at 600imp… Acel will be right down and they will be cutting half a MM DOC whilst hopping the machine stays bolted down and axis don’t jam up and because the torque has dropped off the curb. Toler…what.
In the blog post @robgrz wrote that they have custom ballscrews made to maintain the rapid movements people are used to on a Shapeoko. So again, it sounds like they are ahead of us on the things we expect from a Shapeoko.
I did run a Mazak at Boeing that was REALLLLLLLY long. Lile 12’ of X and around 18" of Y. It had 1000 IPM rapids and it was scary to watch. But it was also programmed by professionals and ran proofed programs in a more static environment.
Yes! I got mine a little bit ago.
Got my shipment email!
Very excited, but realizing now I need somewhere to put it…
I have a spot picked out in my shop.
Wonder if mine ships today, apparently my order was 3rd in line, unless I get skipped
I got my tracking number a little bit ago as well, my reaction was that of “crap, now I really need to finish cleaning that spot out.”
That’s me when I see others that could order one.
So a couple questions to ponder as we wait out shipping notifications.
What accessories are you folks getting?
Anybody have a stand built?
I am going go with the kreg 64x64 and one of the first jobs for the 5 will be to build so fancy under storage perhaps with some inspirational messages carved in for fun lol will post picture so u pros can have a good laugh at my cnc noviceness