as requested on support…
Select the clip-art for this in Elements under BBQ:
Adjust Job Setup to match the size and stock:
With everything selected, group:
Then align to the center:
shift-click on the outer rectangle so that only the design elements are selected:
but note that 2 open vectors are mentioned — these shouldn’t be needed, so we click to deselect:
Then Edit | Select Open Vectors:
and delete:
This causes us to check out the design:
and we want to do a bit of adjustment — select the balls for the crown, individually:
and scale each one down a bit:
then select the background portion of each crown and also select the matching ball:
and drag up and over a bit:
The stars want a similar treatment, or see:
For now, just select each:
shift-click on the outer star to deselect it:
and delete to simplify things a bit:
At this point, we have geometry suited to a decorative V carving with a suitable-sized tool, or with a suitable Advanced V carving toolpath.
Select everything but the outer rectangle:
(easiest way is ctrl a to select all, then shift-click on the outer rectangle to remove it)
switch to the Toolpath pane:
Advanced V carving:
Use Current Selection, adjust settings as desired:
Given the many areas of dark blue lines which are cutting out flat regions with the tip of the V endmill, it would probably be better to have two separate toolpaths:
- one using the #201 (which will cut and clear quickly)
- a second using the #102 which will work better for the detail areas
So we adjust the selection, removing the fine detail areas from the current selection:
and edit the toolpath:
Change Vectors
Use Current Selection
Then we select the balance of the design:
and assign a second Advanced V Carving toolpath:
which mostly works.
A 3D preview:
Seems a bit off for the crown in terms of figure-ground reversal, so we add some geometry:
which we then add to the relevant toolpath:
which still doesn’t seem quite right.
So, instead, we offset to the inside:
and adjust a bit by trimming off with the balls:
After a bit of experimenting we arrive at:
which seems reasonable:
Lastly, to cut the design out we need to add offset geometry equal too tool diameter plus 10%:
Cut that and the original as a pocket down to tab height:
and then we add tabs to the original geometry:
and lastly an outer contour to cut it out completely:
Attached as a v7 file.
king of the grill.c2d (272 KB)