OK @Julien…so now you’ve got me thinking. I have a JTech Laser…already mounted to my spindle. I’d imagine the laser is a consistent distance from the spindle center…probably spot on. If CM could fire the laser at 3% power, I could use it to easily set center.
The added bene to this comes when I do a mixed router/laser project…where I’m cutting shapes with the router first and then adding etching with the laser. The original problem I faced was moving the design from CC to LightBurn (you remember this post) - but the LightBurn guys solved that problem…but now I need to find the exact starting point for the laser run after the router work is done. This would solve that problem. I’d return to xy zero in CM, and run a macro to move by the offset, putting the laser exactly on the CM XY Zero mark, then run LightBurn to burn the rest! I like this…New Feature Request!