Listen people this SO3 she can take it! Pushing her today and she liked it (film refrences galore)

So first off i would say that i am no @Vince.Fab he is to SO3 what Skywalker is to Starwars! lol - however i am no begginer, But i have always been on the side of (hang on Jon that looks a bit fast lets knock that F&S down) then i wipe my brow and say wow that was close!! - well people not anymore.

Today i was like “YOU WILL BEND TO ME SO3” so armed with 3.17mm end mills i decided to see what happens when this baby hits 88 miles an hour! (i bought a small pack of endmils spcifically to be able to go “oh well it broke no sweat i have 4 more”

I will fail to put into words what i did but these gifs will do it for me, so it was a bit like this: -

turn up



Then i did some Feeds and speeds - but this time i did it with courage!


it was time - safety first!


My SO3 was shouting lets do this baby followed by…


Then this happened …


the RPM was 20000 and my Feedrate was 3198 and we achieved fusion…


Oh man i feel like i have finally… level up

Love you SO3 / C3D and if you take nothing from this post people take this “if your nerves can take it SO3 will make it” :slight_smile:

Belive too people! lol



2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Listen people this SO3 she can take it! Pushing her today and she liked it (film references galore)