Looking for opinions on next options for software

What sort of work do you wish to do?

How do you wish to approach it?

One way to extend Carbide Create is to use other programs as a front-end to make files for it:




Fusion 360 and Vectric Vcarve are two very different programs — the former is for 3D mechanical modeling, while the latter is a 2D drawing program which has the ability to make 2.5D toolpaths (much like Carbide Create), Vectric’s Aspire adds 3D modeling (as does Carbide Create Pro).

I use BlockSCAD/OpenSCAD a lot, and have been looking into RapCAD, but I’m lazy and inclined towards programmatic approaches.

Many folks use Inkscape or Serif’s Affinity Designer as a front-end for Carbide Create — my suggestion would be to start w/ one of those and see if it addresses the lacunae.

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