Making a flag (help)

I’ll run through the process with artwork from Carbide launchpad due to the copyright issues with the other images.
Place the flag on your workpiece. set its size and position to fit your needs.

Add the foreground graphic.

While holding shift select the background image (or elements that cross the foreground image), then select the outline of the foreground image.

Then use the Boolean Subtraction tool to remove the background from within the outline of the foreground object (last selected).

Hopefully that can get you going when you have artwork sorted out.


Firefighter2 Having a hard time merging this with a flag

as i try to remove the background from the outline I’m deleting the picture.

The key steps to select the flag first then just the outline of the foreground. I tried this image and it worked fine.

Load the flag:

Import the firefighter image:

Drag it to where you want it:

Select a stripe and shift click on the outline to select it as the key object and Boolean subtract:

repeat for each stripe:


firefighterflag.c2d (1.6 MB)


why is my flag coming out like this?

this is my file pic

Because as noted at:

files which use arrays/clones don’t work in Carbide Create.

That’s why the link

was provided.

OMG I’m so confused. I seriously believe I made a mistake buying this machine.

It is unfortunate that Carbide Create is not able to support the entirety of the SVG specification.

As noted at the link above, that sort of thing is easily worked around by pre-processing files in a separate application.

Have you tried the file which was provided:

I cant get past this point i am ready to sell my machine

I posted step-by-step instructions above on how to handle this.

You simply need to:

  • ungroup anything which is grouped
  • select one stripe
  • select the outermost outline of the firefighter so that it is the key object (dashed outline)
  • Boolean subtract

and repeat

Please post the file you are working on and we will do our best to work through this with you.

Why don’t you just use the file was made for you?

here is the filefire2.c2d (1.4 MB)

Zoom in:

Select the stripes

Shift-click on the outline of the firefighter to add it as the key object (dashed outline):

click on Boolean Subtraction:


then repeat with the lower stripes:

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Looks like the top half stripes are one single line?
Is that intentional ?

No I’ve tried and tried to fix it im so frustrated with the whole mess.

It’s unfortunate you are getting frustrated.

But you did start this topic without even having images or vectors to hand, or a design thought out.

And now you have those and some guidance on how to make it work. So you’re making some progress.

The issues you are having are nothing really to do with the machine, so selling that won’t help at this point. So far it’s all design work and how to use some moderately technical software packages. But you are going to have to put the effort in here and learn how to do it.

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We have provided several files for you to try to download.

This should be what you are trying to arrive at:

fire2.c2d (1.5 MB)

Have you tried downloading them? If so, what trouble are you having?

Have you reviewed:

(Note that you need to use shift, not control to add or remove objects from the current selection)

Understandable… It is like going to school all over again.
Just step back, re-read the info from willAdams and it will start to come together for you.
fwiw, You are starting out on a fairly complex project, so the learning will be a bit rough …at first, then things will start to make sense, baby steps first.
…part of it is the boolean feature, which I still don’t get, I just have to do over and over until I get it.


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