I am looking at buying the Shapeoko 5 Pro to start making Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant signs. Does anyone know if the Shapeoko will work with any of the Accent Signage Bits?
Link to their page with the different bits: Supplies /// ADA Sign Supplies | JPPlus
I just need it to make the holes. I will insert the spheres by hand using their pen system. Thanks for any help.
It looks like there are two variants, one using 1.55 mm holes, the other using 1/16".
Just looking at the supplies, it doesn’t look like the systems they are using are built around high-speed spindles. So, it might be dangerous to assume that any of their tools are safe to use in a spindle.
If you are using the 1/16" variant, I wouldn’t bother using their bits. It’s a bog standard size, you’d be better off using a real CNC bit. Find a bit that works well in the substrate you are using.
I went to your supplier site and watched a video on making a braille sign. Seems like they cut a hole and then press the braille beads in to make the sign. As @mhotchin said not sure if a CNC Shapeoko SO5 would be the best machine to make your signs. Since I never made a braille sign I am certainly not qualified to say it wont work but just looking at how they made theirs not sure it would work.
We had Braille come up on the old Shapeoko forums — the consensus then was it was best to use a slightly undersized tool and machine as a pocket and work up to the desired hole size, testing/iterating in a piece of scrap until the fit was “just so”.
I did read the post where they go over the tool paths. It’s what lead me to ask my question. We may just go with a 1/16 bit instead of their proprietary bit system.