My vacuum hose kept getting in the way of the router when it is either initializing or trying to tap on the bitsetter. I used to have to manually hold the hose out of the way to allow the machine to execute its initializing routines.
I solved the problem by creating a “mount” which sits on top of the Z motor that allows the hose to pretty much move around and out of the way of the homing and initializing process.
I have enclosed some images of the simple devise. For now I used a grounding electrical wire, fed through 2 unused holes on the top back of the Z mount to strap the mount down. I will eventually provide a more elegant solution. It will do for now.
I have also included a c2d file that ready to go if anyone wants to try it out. File name is “Hose support Mount”
I did a similar project for my SO3 and HDZ. I built a platform above the SO3 table that a 4" hose comes down from the DC and adapts to 2.5". I get plenty of suction. Someone else had made a similar one for a Z-Plus that inspired. Sorry I cannot credit that person as my mind is full of holes that names just drop through.
Here is the Z-Plus that inspired. The person uploaded the c2d file and I copied it.
I would have preferred a down from top access for my hose but I didn’t want to give up too much headroom. Mine is mounted from the side. Solution appears to be working.
The motors as the come have enough exposure to stay cool and will be fine. Anytime you cover a motor it stands a chance of building excess heat you don’t need. Best practice is to not cover motors.
I have a SO3. I have made many 12 hour cuts on large projects. I regularly feel my Jet DC1100 motor and it is cool as a cucumber. I also put my hand on the stepper motors and they have never been hot enough for me to remove my hand. I live in East Texas where it is hot and humid. My shop is the ambient temperature of outside air. So the stepper motors on my SO3 never get hot and I have been running it this way for 4 years. AS Anthony said above covering a motor makes it retain heat because the ambient air cannot cool it. Not sure if that captured heat would damage the stepper motor but why risk it. C3D has been making these machines for a while. If they were having to replace stepper motors on a mass scale they would change the design in their own economic well being.