My MC Etcher 90 arrived today so I had to do a simple cut to see how it works. I cleaned up and imported an appropriate SVG into Carbide Create and created a no offset contour toolpath from it. Feed speed was 45ipm, 0 RPM of course, material might be Lexan (just a piece from my scrap pile).
I lowered it enough that a piece of paper under the tip was firmly stuck, then lowered it another 0.25mm for extra pressure. That seemed to work good for this material even with my very messy/lumpy spoilboard.
Yes, the non-pointy end has a hex screw that adjusts the tension. It turns easily using one of the small hex wrenches that came with the Shapeoko 3. Probably not a bad idea to regularly check the tension in case the screw works its way loose over time.
Impressive cutting! I’ve not tried stainless, but this is encouraging!
As a side note, your flag has 4 too many stars… might want to take a look at Wikipedia to see the proper arrangement (unless this was intentional).
Thanks for the post!