MC Etcher and Mirrors

I’ve got a case of 12" X 12" mirrors I’m going to try in the next few days. Good luck!

That is on my list to try. I’ve done it with my laser and had decent results. I would think that it is definitely possible and would give a stunning result as the engraving is much deeper than what my laser can do. Oxidation may be an issue but I would think a quick shot of clear would prevent this.
I’ve been messing with acrylic edge lit panels and have had pretty good results with those as well. Biggest challenge is coming up with a frame for the led tape lights. I’ve found a keyhole bit on the router table puts the perfect size cut for the tape to lay flat (3/8" diameter bit). Then it’s simply getting the spacing correct to ensure the edge of the panels sit flush.
I will update as soon as I have experimented with the backs of some mirrors.
Good luck!


Here’s one of my better cuts for holding detail I have had recently

Sharp 60° bet and I’m cutting pine so I’m kind of amazed I didn’t break anything off

I set my zero just a little high, so I did not cut too deep with a V bit. And then I drop the zero point .004mm , slowed the field right down a bit and cut it again. That took out 75% of the fuzzies and I use the steel brush, a little sandpaper to clean it up.

My daughter is using them as part of our wedding to label the tables so I’m making 13 different ones

I like back cutting of mirrors, lighting it with LEDs so many projects so little time


Looks great! I have been playing with the MC Etchers 120deg and 90deg bits too. I found that a drop or two of oil on the inside and running the router on the lowest speed also helps with acrylics. Here are some keychains I have been making. I pretty much use the default settings from Create.


Very nice! Thanks for the advice. I will give that a try on my next acrylic piece.

Could you share the tool you used for this engraving?

In his post he said, MC Etchers 120deg and 90deg bits


The 90 degree MC Etcher bit from Carbide 3D. Good luck!

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Nice job. I do a lot of acrylic work. So much fun.


Very nice! Are you using edge lighting or backlighting for your signs?

I thought I mis-read your post. You have the router running? The etcher bits don’t need the router, it’s just a bit holder.

I do not have the router running. I believe one of the replies to my original post referred to running the router on the lowest speed when engraving acrylic but I have not tried that.

Yeah the first time I ran without it running the head of the etcher seemed to get off sideways. So I oiled it up and been running it at low speed and came out with more crisp lines.

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Just got the 120 degree mc etcher, is there a certain image that works well? I.E. fine line or just set the toolpath as a pocket on an image. I want to try it but trying to find a good image to test with.

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While not a mirror, see:

for one approach.


Tony, what has worked for me is using a contour cut with the 90 degree bit on mirrors / glass or the 120 degree bit on acrylics. I have not tried to pocket any images; just contour the images. I do not know how well pocketing would work with the MC Etcher.
I am going to try this sometime this week on a test piece. My only concern would be a very rough engraving on glass / mirrors as well as a lot of melted material on acrylic. Plus there would be a very long machining time due to the engravers being very fine tipped. Just my two cents on this…
Please let me know if you do some shading (pocket cutting) and post a pic or two. Good luck!


Thanks for the insight I will be using this thread to learn and keep you updated. Just happened to click o. Your name and seen you were a fellow Missourian, I was born and raised there till joined the service!

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Thank you for your service sir! If you don’t mind me asking, what part of MO are you from (I’m from the State Fair City and the cradle of Ragtime - Sedalia, MO)?

Sent u a personal message.

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