Resolution is one measure of a machine (i.e. accuracy). Precision is also required. They combine together to yield the machine repeatability. What can one repeatably do every time?
Step resolution (at the stepper) doesn’t simply translate to repeatability at the tool. There are a lot of moving parts involved, each adding uncertainty. Steps are translated via gears to actual motion. Each axis adds it’s own uncertainty.
5E-6M is ~0.0002". That’s beyond what a Nomad 883 or Nomad 883 Pro can offer.
A CNC machine that has repeatability of less than 0.001" is rare, specialized and expensive. Machining at the 0.0001" level is… challenging. A simple desk - for a “desktop machine” - may wiggle too much! A specialized mounting is usually necessary.
The Nomad is an open loop (positioning) machine. There is no feedback that the tool is where it is supposed to be (a closed loop). It is limited to what one can achieve with those components. The 0.001" is about as good as it gets.
Closed loop positioning provide gains in repeatability. Fancier gearing provides more. Even then, 0.0001" is about as good as it gets.
Rigidity - sheer MASS using strong materials is necessary. Steel and lots of it. The Nomad is massive - for its size - but it is Aluminum.
Then the fun really begins… float the machine in the air, isolated from the ground. Don’t forget a closed temperature controlled chamber with very tight hysteresis. Add exotic feedback - laser reflective range adjustment. The list goes on.
I would check into that requirement. If that is really what you require, you better look at much bigger budget than for a Nomad! Don’t forget an operating budget either.
The Nomad will not disappoint… one just has to be honest about its abilities.
Yes, the Nomad 883 Pro should be “better” than the Nomad 883. How much? We don’t know yet. A factor of 5? I severely doubt it. 25X? No way.
Super high quality collets will help too - lower TIR (runout).
Choosing end mills from sources that specialize in fine machining will help. Solid carbide, micro carbide steels, exotic coatings help a little bit.
Temperature controls will help a bit.
Really good control of swarf removal, lubrication will help.