My Shapeoko on Steroids

I am still very far away from my reference, Syl X7 chinese machine… 38k Aud. With Atc and siemens control.
And every time closer on achievements, i can make the parts i want, and if something goes wrong, it will go 5k wrong and not 38k wrong. Had an advice from an experienced guy, learn all you can on this thing, time will come for a big tool and by then you should have broken some bits…


Fail fast, Fail cheap


After looking at all the modded SO3 posts I was tempted to go all out upgrading my SO3 when fate stepped in. I love all the work you guys put into making the SO3 better but while I was at my local metal surplus store grabbing some 6061 drops this weekend. I came across some beefy T-slot extrusions that I picked up for a great price. I got 3 40 inch long extrusions for $230.00 so rather than upgrading my SO3 I will use it to make the parts I need to build the machine I want. IMG_5438|666x500 .


Man! You got that for a steal! That looks like 80/20 extrusion. If that is the 40-8016 (80mm x 160mm) extrusion like I think it is, you got those for about 44% of the cost of new ($0.14/mm).

EDIT: I’d like to take this moment to say how much I love designing with 80/20 parts. They have CAD models of all of their parts available for download, and they have a great interactive online manual to find what you want.

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Well, so long as you keep the sticker I think you’ll find people saying “It’s still a Shapeoko” :wink:

Looking forward to seeing it, the HDZ looks like an excellent basis for a Z axis BTW.

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I have been going there for years and they sold them to me by the pound so that’s how I saved so much. Not to mention the shipping cost saved as these were 80+ pounds. I will probably go back and buy a few more pieces for cross braces. The goal is a handicap accessible CNC I can fit my wheelchair under.


MY ATC ARRIVES TOMORROW!!! and touch screen is arriving today!!!


Behold German Beauty:

Spindle holders are Massive:


Does it work with er20 Chinese spindles or only er11? What’s the largest end mill you can use? 10 or 12mm? Looking forward to the detailed write up and very excited to see it work.


I just love that there’s one screw hanging out on the left side…without a home. Such wonderful technology and there’s still that screw that we can’t figure out where it belongs! :slight_smile:

I’m seriously jealous of that beast. We want to see OUTPUT now!


That’s just the ATC? you still need to attach a spindle on top? Dear god I hope you have a serious amount of Z rigidity and enough torque to move that beast. It’s going to be like a midget “errmm little person” hanging off the front Z plate.

I do dream of one day having an ATC so I guess I can look on the dark web to see how much I can get for a kidney these days.


It looks like Vince Fab has a German cousin…


the attachment to the spindle is with a 6mm shaft at the top, this tool holders are ISO10 ER16 max 12mm shank

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Interesting. Thought it attaches straight to the threads on spindle’s shaft. Can you take
better pictures? I’m curious to see how it looks. For around $2k it’s not a bad option at all considering it can be used with a 110v spindles.

ohhhh is that the coupler with 6mm shank next to it?

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This is definitely some high quality hardware! Also who told you about my new spindle holders? :sweat_smile:

@diegocolonnello cant wait to see this baby in action!

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How much did the Mechatron setup cost you? They don’t list pricing for their VFDs in particular.

the ATC adaptor is only 755 eur
then you need:
Pneumatic kit 229 eur
Spindle holder 75 eur
tool holders 57 eur each
plus other bits
plus shipping


How about the spindle and VFD?

i paid 850 aud for 2.2 kw watercooled and vfd,