Need help testing cutters

Thanks man!

That was quick. Now I just have to work out the finish passes.


That looks like it’s for your linear rail brace!

looks like it worked so hard the motor fell off! haha


The second video is mesmerizing. Nice work!

That looks like a EBR kickstand foot! Great work guys! I’m looking forward to machine my motorcycle parts on the shapeoko as well! Since EBR is out of business I have no choice! Haha not to get off topic from cutter but where did you guys get that linear rail guide? McMaster Carr?

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Hey Vince and Griff, are you using the adaptive clearing function fusion 360 for with these Zrn coated endmills? what is OL? is that the stepover for each pass? I am trying to understand the cutting parameters so that I can apply it to the Nomad. I only have the standard spindle motor on my nomad so the spindle speed will be limited to 10krpm. My shapeoko 3 is currently under construction for upgrades for cutting aluminum. Last thing, where did you order the Datron single flute Zrn cutters from? I didn’t see any on the carbide 3D store.


I can speak to the Datron endmills. Either order them through the Pocket NC store where they started carrying some very affordable ones or email Datron and go through them. @igsdan on Instagram will help you as well if you ask him.

Griff does a good job listing his settings above. Just a few posts up he lists the OL he uses.

You should be fine with the Nomad, your feed rate will just be lower since your RPM is lower.

Thanks, I apologize on the miscommunication, I meant what does OL mean? Is it the step over interval for each pass? Can you plunge cut with it?

First off, take the following with a grain of salt. I’m still learning.

I recently learned that OL (optimal load) is a variable in the adaptive toolpath and refers, I believe, to the thickness of the axial (radial?) chip cut using this toolpath.

I also learned it was the reason I could never achieve good results with adaptive. The value is set automatically by F360 and is much too high for our machines.

For example, I set up a 8mm DOC adaptive toolpath and F360 suggests I use a 1.35mm OL. My experience has taught me that this is not good (broken end mills). So, I use 0.35 OL instead. Works great, makes big chips.

The stock SO3 cuts aluminum very capably without upgrades. If it’s not too late/you’ve already done it, I’d suggest you start there.

Ahh ha! Thanks Griff, I just realized why I have struggled in the past with cutting aluminum on the shapeoko!

Yep, that makes sense. I’ll do my best to explain them. BTW, Fusion 360 explains things well if you hover over them and shows pictures too.

Adaptive cutting is where you want to maintain a constant force on your endmills while cutting. This allows for more consistent results when cutting any material and makes the most difference in metals. In order to do this Fusion makes it so when you set the DOC, feed rates, and RPM of your spindle, you also need to set the “Optimal Load” or essentially, the constant stepover to be maintained while cutting. So you are essentially right thinking it is a stepover interval.

Yes, you can plunge cut with it. Under the “Linking” tab on the far right when setting up your toolpath, near the bottom is an option to choose plunge, ramp, helix, etc. In aluminum, you will want to start with a helix with a 1 degree angle or a ramp with a 1 degree angle for best results.

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