Hello, I’m relatively new here. I purchased a new Shapeoko 4 about six months ago and, due to the insanity of my schedule, am just now beginning to set it up.
I’m brand-new to CNC. Could someone recommend to me a decent starter bit set for this machine (direct URL links would be a huge plus).
IMPORTANT: I will NOT be cutting wood with this machine, so I don’t need wood-cutting bits. Instead, I will be cutting metals and high-performance industrial plastics – PEEK, Ultem, Torlon, DuPont Vespel. These plastics are very expensive and are used to replace metals in aircraft; they machine and cut almost exactly like metals. So I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on wood bits I won’t use. Would rather buy high-qualtiy bits designed for plastics and metals.
Seconding Will’s recommendation, one of the packs is the place to start.
What you’ll likely end up doing with your specialist plastics is selecting cutters which have a geometry optimised for the materials, there’s a number of specialist tool vendors with ranges of specific cutters depending on where you live.