Hi, everyone. New here and I’m looking to buy my first CNC and leaning strongly towards the Shapeoko 4 XXL or maybe Shapeoko Pro. I love everything I read and watch about Carbide 3D and Shapeoko. The company and community both seem to be very awesome which is a big plus.
A little about myself. I’ve been a guitar technician/luthier for 15 years and spent about 10 years as a senior piano technician. I have a complete wood shop/workshop in my oversized two car garage. I have previously always worked under someone else or a company until recently when I decided to go to work for myself
So enough of the boring and on to my questions lol. As already pointed out I’m new to CNC but I get the fundamentals of how it works and everything but searching via google and you start seeing a lot of gripe about Shapeoko machines using belts and how bad they can be. I keep reading buy only lead screw or ball screw. I read from some who say that belts stretch, inconsistent and all sorts of issues. I find some of these negatives hard to believe but I thought I would go straight to the awesome users of Shapeoko. So are belts really that bad? Are V wheels really that bad? I keep seeing lots of folks on forums and YouTube saying they are buying 1F CNC’ s but as nice looking that 1F CNC’ s look I just don’t feel the company is solid. I feel 1F could bring more to the table for what you pay like Carbide3D and Shapeoko does. I kind of feel like buying a 1F is the cool thing to do because it is so different and new. But being you get no structural frame and bed like you get with the Shapeoko, no software, control box seems subpar and cheap touch display. Again just my opinion. And you don’t see many videos of 1F using the CNC to make anything. Most 1F videos seem to be unboxing/setup fiddling around with talking about it. And no cable management included. Just seems very halfa$$ put together for what you pay, some say 1F was released before it should have. Considering with Shapeoko a couple hours to setup and you can start learning and playing.
Anyways I mention 1F as it seems these two are the two everyone jumps between and I constantly hear others say I left Shapeoko for 1F. So are belts lesser here? Are the ball screws that much better? With belts give that bad of accuracy? Will belts stretch to much? Will belts need constant tightening? Will V wheels constantly have issues and need replaced? I know Carbide3D updated the belts bigger and v wheels are bigger/stronger so these should be much better.
I will be using CNC for woodworking with hardwoods and softwoods for guitar building, guitar parts and accessories. Maybe possibly a little aluminum carving sometimes.
Thanks everyone and looked forward to the replies and any advice.