All the boots i’ve seen either mount to the router or to the z-axis so it can be independent like the Suckit.
I recently did my first time-laps video ( and removed my suckit so I could capture the view better. This, of course, caused tons of dust that I usually capture.
I fancy myself as a designer/maker and this got me thinking… I was researching alternative dust boots and was wondering if anyone has designed a dust boot that would come in from behind? One that doesn’t wrap around the bit, but maybe one that provides a few side-shields and a rear suction.
If none are available, what problems/tips would you share as I design/build one.
Not completely what you are talking about but the Dust Jet is a rear-mounted dust boot. Not having a shield on top that goes around the bit will somewhat limit the ability to contain the dust and chips, increase the effective suction and send them into the vacuum port.
What is needed is a force field that will contain all the dust and chips so there is nothing but a vacuum port!
I think that there is a list of different dust boots in the Shapeoko Wiki and a quick search on Thingiverse will also show you a number of different designs.
Thank you for this… I was not aware of the Dust Jet and that does look interesting.
I’ve been making great strides in my dust boot design and even have some videos showing how well it works:
That’s really cool! I like the design. Is there a polycarbonate piece that affixes to the front to ensure better suction instead of leaving it open? Would you be interested in sharing or selling the design? I really like it compared to other ones I’ve seen and although I was just designing my own, I’d rather get it done and make things I want to make.
absolutely… I’ve designed a Lexan face shield that magnetically attaches and will have a video of it’s use with my HF 1.5hp DC carving into MDF later this week… it works so beautifully IMO.
I sell most of my designs on my hobby store… and share all of my models via for those with 3d Printers.
That’s awesome!
Right, I checked your store and didn’t see it. I also don’t see it on your Thingiverse page either. Let me know when you offer it please.
I’ll be sure to respond here. I’m still engineering minor tweaks to improve printing, usage, and functionality. Trying to run tons of actual usage tests so I can anticipate issues and solve them before this goes out the door.
I’ll be publishing / posting-for-sale starting in September.
I’m excited to say i’ve posted the boot up for Pre-Order…
I will be shipping in September, but wanted to have a large discount that tapers off as I near release for early purchasers.
Awesome stuff, nice work! Can you let us know when the models are posted also on Thingiverse?
I’m working on a write-up for designing the boot and will be sharing the models when that is published… sometime in mid-late September, if I were to take a guess.
Meanwhile, I’m regularly posting videos of my tests using this boot on my youtube channel
That’s really exciting! Will it include the Lexan face shield with magnets or is that something I can add myself?
The one in the store will include the Lexan face shield. I’ve already modified the one pictured in the store… added a brush just below the Lexan to fully wrap the bit in a 1" brush to help with lower suction collectors.
I ran tests with the face-shield on and off… works well either way. It seems to produce a whirlwind effect like truck-beds have when no face-shield. Some stuff, however, it’s better to cut with it on. On example is cutting Lexan. It “shoots” little flecks of plastic out. Added the additional brush part to help prevent that.
Awesome! I’m just going to need to sit down and make sure this will work for my setup.
Happy to provide measurements, photos, or whatever.
I’m interested in use with the HDZ but specifically if I can keep the “X length penalty” to an absolute minimum.
Any details or thoughts on mounting on the HDZ without the Suckit arms extending from the side of the HDZ? I haven’t installed mine yet so my understanding is limited.
I haven’t purchased the HDZ yet… but it is on my wish list. I also don’t know anyone locally that has one I can engineer on. Definitely interested in your thoughts on it though.
The boot connects to two magnetic support arms that hand-screw onto the Suckit or Suckit-like arm-brackets extending down from the top of a stock machine.
I’m selling my boot with the option to include the arm-brackets but cheaper without…
this way if someone has the Suckit arm-brackets, they can simply unscrew their boot and attach mine depending on their cutting needs.
The cheaper without [arm-brackets] option opens the door for adding arm-brackets that mount to HDZ or others.
Perhaps you can figure out how to attach the boot to the HDZ and share it on Thingiverse?
Thanks Dan - I’ll look at it again when I get the HDZ installed. I do have a suckit boot but part of the attraction of the HDZ was the increase in X on the SO3.
I stumbled across another boot on Etsy over the weekend that mounts to the DW611 itself with the router’s stock snap ring, it’s on the way here now but I’m tentative on whether it’ll be a nusiance to remove/install. I’ve been intrigued with the rear exhaust type of boots but really I need to get the HDZ installed before I get distracted again.
Before purchasing the Suckit, i did print a similar one off from Thingiverse (
In the end I put out the money for the Suckit because it was really messing with my z-axis… likely wouldn’t be an issue with the HDZ, but the belt/springs setup of the stock SO3 it was horrible (for me).
Yep, that’s basically the same one. Cost $40-some shipped on Etsy so I figured it’d be worth a shot.
I do think I prefer the Suckit/PwnCNC style boot mounted to the Z-back plate since it’s cut-depth agnostic.