September 5, 2023, 9:58pm
I am attempting to 3D carve a leaf and acorn cluster into a corner recessed dish block. I have a STL file but cant seem to input it . Do I have to convert it to another format to make it work? Thanks
(William Adams (Carbide 3D))
September 5, 2023, 11:56pm
If you have Carbide Create Pro an STL should work:
First, configure the stock:
Draw in the geometry for the bowl and place as desired:
Inset by the desired width of the rim of the bowl:
Offset to the outside of the bowl by endmill diameter plus 10%:
Draw in geometry to define the stock (since we’ll be working subtractively):
Go to the 3D model tab and model the stock:
Select the geometry for the inner curve of the bowl and model it:
Then im…
If not, send the file to and we will do our best to look into this with you.
October 5, 2023, 9:59pm
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