Newbie alert and nervous like a cat

Getting a used Shapeoko 3 xxl delivered tomorrow. I am on pins and needles. Have i bitten off more than i can chew. I’m a total newbie.

We have documentation at:

and esp. see:

What sort of work do you wish to do? How do you wish to approach it?

What materials will you want to cut?

I was a total newbie just a mere 8 weeks ago or so. Be patient with yourself and the learning process and you will be killing it in no time. This is one of the more newbie friendly forums i’ve used so don’t hesitate to ask.

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I hope it will become a hobby. If it turns into an income, that’d be a bonus. I am semi retired.

I will be using wood mostly, and engraving. Maybe cottage signs if there’s a market for it where i live. Im on Lake Superior north of Sault Ste Marie in Ontario. I sold quite a few bird houses a few years sgo. I’d like to revive that.

Do you have experience with CAD or Bézier curve drawing programs?

I do not. My wife is an artist and actually taught the art of woodburning. That’s my only claim to fame. :wink:

If you have existing drawings as b/w (lineart) images, they may be easily imported using the Image Tracing feature:

or, one may use images from our library of elements:

or, if desired, any vector clipart with a suitable license, which if it requires a bit of cleanup, is easily done:

And, there is a site dedicated to sharing projects:

and if you have any difficulties, we’ll gladly work up a custom tutorial if need be:

Just let us know what sort of help you need and we will do our best to assist.

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There’s a thread in the gallery section called “What did you cut today.” Post anything there. Lots of people love to cheer you on and commiserate on mistakes. Everybody’s destroyed a project (this year).


This forum is for everyone. Nervous newbie’s or seasoned professionals.

There are no dumb questions, only experiences you have yet to have.

Enjoy, don’t be nervous, I shook like a leaf my first month

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Fully retired here. nowhere near a NOOB any longer but still not where i want to be. Enjoy the ride, just remember to keep your tail out of the moving parts. this place rocks.


“Just let us know what sort of help you need and we will do our best to assist.”
You bet i will.
For instance, do I have to initialize every time I restart the program?

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Yes. There is a work-around to bypass homing, but it’s a bit involved:

Note that you can leave the machine powered on and Carbide Motion running and connected and run multiple files thus.

IF you’re thinking about Cottage Signs don’t think about just rectangular or round signs.

You might want to try some samples with differently styled Frames and different styles of Text for some display signs that you can set out to draw attention.


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