Nomad 3 & Solidworks // Postprocessor and a Touch of F360

Hey There!

After spending a bit with the Carbide Software on my Nomad 3, I’ve managed to cut smoothly and precisely.

I primarily work and learn in SolidWorks. I’m aware that Fusion 360 supports the post processor, but does SolidWorks also have this feature? Is there a post processor available for the Nomad 3 in SolidWorks?

I won’t deny that Fusion 360 makes certain tasks much easier compared to SolidWorks. However, SolidWorks also has its strengths. It’s a give and take situation.

Additionally, is there a preset profile in either software to program the machine (Nomad 3) within SolidWorks or Fusion 360? I prefer to keep everything streamlined within the SolidWorks program since it’s widely used by firms and most mechanical engineers. Seem though I’ve been learning both programs (which I’m not opposed too).

I know I can just program the endmills and cuts without defining the machine.

Current processes that is currently envisioned is:

  1. Make design in SW
  2. Save as STEP file
  3. Open in F360
  4. Program
  5. Generat G-Code.
  6. Use Carbide software to start milling.


Please see:

Hi @WillAdams!

Thanks - lots of meat to go through here on that post.

I saw this link - but it’s for the Shapeoko but not the Nomad. Nice to see community support on this endeavor Solidworks_Cam_Post

Would the Carbide team build one for SW - on the product roadmap?

Btw - shout out to the delivery team at Carbide. I recently had support and they took care of it.


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