Nomad 3 stops running in middle of slotting operation, see video

Oh boy, something went wrong, but what?
In the middle of my first slotting operation on the Nomad 3, the motor suddenly stops turning about 3/8” down in the slot. I “pause” then try to return, but it happens again.
Link to video of problem below:

If at all possible, don’t cut slots.

If you haven’t sent an e-mail in to please do so.

Thanks for a reply, I have sent support an email about this issue…

How do I cut out a piece of aluminum without using a contour/slot cut in Carbide Create?

Add offset geometry (endmill diameter plus 10%) and cut as a pocket using that and the original geometry down to tab depth or the penultimate pass.

Thank you for that instruction; I will try that out tomorrow to see if it works…have a great evening (appreciate you taking the time tonight to answer questions)

So, I think I’m on the same page with “Add offset Geometry”

Bit .125"
Outside Offset .145"
Difference .02" > 10%

Box within a box, then select both and run a “Pocket” operation. Correct?

Yes, that’s pretty much it.

It comes up pretty regularly, see:


Rad, new trick! thanks for sharing @WillAdams

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