New Nomad 3 user here…
I’m working on the tool tray starter project along with a redesign so it will hold the BitZero v2 also. I’ve created an .svg file and opened it in Carbide Create. I also picked up a Amana 46200-K downcut endmill as per Winston’s tool tray youtube video suggestion.
I’m not able to find the Amana mills in Carbide Create. Is there a Carbide Create tool library for the Nomad 3 that includes the Amana mills?
Some of them are included under various numbers:
Also see:
Thanks Will, I completely missed the link in the right window pane that showed the Amana mill model #. ![Screenshot_2020-12-02_17-48-24|690x453]
I appreciate the links you provided too!
[edit: I’m a new user, so I may not have the rights to post images? Nonetheless, the Amana 46200-K end mill I was looking for is in “Carbide 3D-Nomad-Hardwood --> End Mills --> #326”
Also, is it a safe assumption for a new user like me to just stick to the existing (conservative) defaults in Carbide Create for the Nomad 883, even though the spindle in the Nomad 3 can run at higher RPMs? I imagine that the Carbide 3D folks will update the tool library accordingly for the Nomad 3 when they have time to breathe.
Did a test milling to validate my settings and project modifications on cheap wood before trying on the nice bamboo panel that came with the Nomad 3.
The Amana 46200-K down cut mill did an amazing clean top surface cut, just had to vacuum a lot! Now I have a safe place to put the BitZero v2.
This completed project has been added to the gallery:
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