Overwhelmed with software choices and need advice

Yes, there are a number of ways to do this, here are a few of the common options folks use:

  • Carbide Create Pro has this feature. It used to rely on importing a grayscale heightmap derived from a 3D object STL,

but very recently it got even better with Carbide Create v7 beta, where there is now a built-in STL import option in Pro: Carbide Create Beta Downloads

  • Meshcam is also 3D capable and is used by some people here (especially Nomad users). Here’s a thread showing what a member did with incredible ZBrush art and using Meshcam

  • the Vectric VCarve/Aspire line of software supports this too

  • one of our community members (@fenrus) came up with a tool that takes an STL file and directly generated gcode: New (kinda): Going from STL to GCode directly (CAM). It won’t provide the same level of control as solutions above, won’t let you assemble other non-3D elements into the design, and has no built-in preview, but still a fantastic tool for simple cases.

Designing your own 3D models is a great endeavour (it reminds me of @Caffein8ted learning Blender and coming up with a fantastic cut of a cardinal a few weeks later).