Potential new features?

Hi carbide community and team!

I hope you’re doing well, some features that could be great :

  • Estimate time per bit operation and time remaining for each during the machining
  • Mobile application that “simply” deliver time remaining
  • Possibility to attach a camera to the router (currently I setup a camera near the CNC to check but a in-build system could be great).
  • Also something great, could be to be able to edit shortcuts per action in carbide create.
    I’m from the 3D world job, and this is something we do as soon as we need to operate actions multiples time in dcc.
    Like add selection to active layer, center to last selection, move to layer and so on.
  • Last but not least, being able to select when the layer panel is open, currently maybe i’m wrong, but I need to select my shapes, then open layer panel, then click to layer, then close the panel, do another selection and so on.

Thanks in advance for all the great support and tuto your deliver, and thanks to the community to be so active and passionate!

You do get a time estimate, per bit, in both CC and CM. But the one you see in CM is only seen when Preview is selected. Once you begin machining you only see the total time remaining.

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Your totally right, When i said being able to see, time per bit, it is during the machining :slight_smile:
Thank you for the correction

I’ve edited my original post with comments :slight_smile:

How do you see time per bit? I see time per toolpath but not time per bit…and that’s only if I put the bit size in the toolpath name…Having total time per bit in CC like you get in initial preview in CM would be great (and I’m still new so probably missing the obvious)

A work-around for this is to group by tool, then it’s just a matter of adding up each group.

Yup, that’s what I do right now. Unless there’s a reason, I order my toolpaths by endmill size (there are some occassions where I can’t cut something out before something else but that just goes with the territory) :slight_smile:

I put this request in a while back. It would address your request, I believe. It seemed to have some traction back in the day, but I haven’t seen any progress on it, yet.

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My error, I guess I meant time per tooolpath. I see from your example time per bit might be meaningful to you whereas it’s not to me. I can’t remember doing a machine operation with multiple tool paths in a sequence using the same bit after many hundred hours of machine operation.

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After using the software a lot those few last days.
here’s some other features that could help a lot :

  • Possibility to dock layer panel in the global view (like in photoshop for example)
  • Possibility to drag and move layers, contrary to click up or down to change the hierarchy
  • Possibility to increase the tessellation of the 3D preview mesh, on small detail I can see frequently a lack of vertices, introducing approximation in the rendering

Maybe it’s allready the case and I dont know but :

  • Possibility to instantiate shapes.
    For example in 3D DCC (like 3DsMax or blender), in general we create a shape, and if we need to use it else where we create an instance, so if we change one variable from the parent all the children will be changed. That’s really usefull, especially for drill hole and/or bevel, etc.

Also Being able to :

  • Duplicate a tool path group contrary to each toolpath one by one
  • Move tool path group freely like single toolpth contrary to use move up and down

Also Grouping 2 shapes from different layers remove the layer.
It could be independant from the layer it is, I mean having X layers but 1 group for Bool operation for example.

One last thing, selection is not part of the ctrl+z and ctrl+y (undo / redo).
So if you miss click selection you can ctrl+z it will remove your last operation (like bool or whatever), which is a bit contre-intuitive.

BTW, the software is really cool, I just pin point some improvements from 20years using 3D softwares for modeling, but right now I take a lot of fun using it :slight_smile:

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