I was having a problem with the machine’s Z-axis sort of going backwards or maybe just raising too much when running a file created with Cut2D using the Shapeoko (mm) translator, and wondered if it wasn’t my probing macro (in Universal G-Code Sender).
With the new macro from that thread, things were working great. Till today. I needed to cut a part from an older file where the z-zero is set to the machine bed. I normally have the z-zero set to the top of the material.
After I’ve zeroed my X/Y (with Z having been zeroed via a macro), and I hit the play/run button, the X/Y seem to move in the correct direction, but the Z just keeps lifting and will run into the stop (I don’t have homing switches).
I believe this only happens when I’m running a job where the Z has been set to the bed, instead of the surface of my material.
With UGS I’ve had problems with metric vs imperial units - in particular, it had issues if I had switched from metric jog to standard and back the probe would take off in a weird direction after probe. I chalked it up to the probe cycle on ugs not setting the mode properly before or after the probe.
@cgallery Does the Z gradually move up, or does it just go up like a homing sequence?
Are you sure that your file had Z0 at the wasteboard? Looks like you’re cutting into negative Z on that file.