I’ve seen some examples of aggressive feeds and speeds on the forum, but it largely seems like the best advice is to figure out the max settings for each person’s unique cutting situation.
I’ve seen it quoted that the spindle stalls before the ball screw motors do, which at first sounds like a good definition of the limit we can push the machine to.
This leads me to my question: As I push my machine harder and harder, are there any risks of damaging the machine? A ruined cut or even a broken bit seem like completely acceptable costs to risking an aggressive cut, but I want to make sure I don’t break any more expensive components.
Can stalling the spindle damage it? What about the carbide router? Are the bearings able to take an excessive side load?
I have had some pretty impressive success with single passes through 1/2" MDF, but I want to make sure I am not hurting anything (I am currently using the carbide router, but will probably upgrade to a spindle someday).