I’ve been using my shapeoko to surface dressed lumber to get it to the thickness I need and level out whatever minor warp and have been pretty satisfied overall.
I wonder if I can adjust my settings to get a better surface finish and get away with a higher grit when it gets to sanding time. On softer woods like poplar I’m getting a tiny bit of tear out that requires me to start with 120 grit. My settings are:
Using a spetool surfacing bit with the bottom cutting edges removed
DOC: 1mm
Feed: 4445 mm/175 inches
RPM: 18000
What do you guys do to get your best surfacing results? I hate sanding and would LOVE to start with 150 grit (or higher!) if I can get away with it.
I use a 1 1/2" planer bit to surface. A well trammed machine & very sharp teeth are crucial.
If I have a job I want “super” smooth, I use a sanding disc for the last pass, only taking a couple thousandths at a time. This is a 3" (1/2" shank) disk. You can buy stick on 40 or 60 grit discs.