I am using Carbide Create Pro and a Shapeoko Pro XXL. I have processed one piece that turned out very well and am excited to put my new CNC to use. I build guitars and would like to radius the top of a rectangular stock 2 x 24 inches length wise to a 16" radius. I can do the calculations but can it be accomplished in carbide create pro? Luthiers will know I am trying to radius a fretboard down it’s length.
Others will have to comment on what CC-Pro can do. I use Vectric VCarve and would approach this with a tapered, swept rail along the length of the fretboard - defining the cross-section of the fretboard curve and how it travels (the ‘rail’). I am sure Fusion 360 could do similar too, but no direct experience in this.
I’m not sure this is a calculatable path in CCPro but it might be something you can model or import as an STL.
I also use VCarve, and the moulding toolpath in that product is a multi-rail sweep which lets you create a compound radius, which is probably what you want unless your instrument has parallel strings from nut to bridge.
Carbide Create (free/bundled) only does 2.5D and V carving and Texture toolpaths — the radius you describe is the domain of 3D modeling and would require a 3D CAD/CAM tool — Carbide Create Pro could do it if you can model the desired shape in it, or import it as a pixel image depth map (possibly made using an STL → PNG conversion utility:
@mikem My dad was a professional player and had his guitars custom made. One of his builders, Jimmy Foster, shared with me how he manufactured his necks: He created a Jointer knife with the profile for each neck style that he built. Then he only needed to pass the ebony stock over the jointer and the resulting crown was milled perfectly.
I’m not saying you COULDN’T cut the neck with CC Pro, but you might have better luck (ease and repeatability, if you’re after that) with a jointer knife - and then cut the grooves for the frets with CC (you would not need pro for that).
Just a thought.
- Gary
The custom knife in a jointer is an interesting (and expensive) option. The advantage of course w/ CNC is that one doesn’t have that up-front investment — taking the view that CAD/CAM files can stand in for custom tooling in traditional work.
There are some resources at:
including some fretboard utilities — tooling for that is challenging, since it’s tiny and wants very low runout and very good Workholding and machine rigidity.
Actually, he took used, warn out, 6" knives and had the new profile cut into them for about $55 a blade. I’d have to look up where he told me he had it done. For him, making hundreds of guitars, for long fingerboards, this worked wonders for him…plus, I doubt he had a CNC back then anyway.
@AndyC @WillAdams GJM Gerry - Thanks guys! Awesome information and I will try most of the ideas provided. I wasn’t sure of there was something I was missing.
Andy, I’ll give Vectric Vcarve a try. I’ve heard of using the ‘rail’. Sounds like it might be what I’m looking for and wanted to avoid the Fusion 360 route. Too much brain damage.
Gerry good info with specifics to search and reference. Strings do not run exactly parallel but the radius is consistent . Very good.
Will - I think I will try Vcarve thanks for all the links. I’ve modeled STLs for a laser cutter and 3D printing. Good to know all STLs are not equal!
GJM - I make my necks by hand from stock rough cutting them on a bandsaw from a template and then using rasps to get the final shape and feel. The fretboard was a little different for me (some make them by hand). I usually end up buying one to the scale length CNC’d from a luthier supply but want to try making it on my new CNC
I think everyone here would agree it could be done with CC Pro but it might be a little difficult. Will- Thanks for the link to the resource at wiki, I’ll check it out
You all are awesome and this is a great group. Thanks for all your help!
Oops, new users can only mention 2 user. Sorry for those I missed.
I used my 3D printer to print a sanding block with the fretboard radius I wanted. One of these days I’ll get the cigarbox guitar put back together, and the ukulele finished.
@mikem Yes…I was talking about fretboards…sorry about that.
@GLM No worries. Thanks Gary. Your info was much appreciated. Funny thing. My dad made knives for many years and when he started out he used old lawn mower blades.
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